Senior Class of 2025 in High School
Early College Academy at MWSU
Dual Enrollment at UCM
Coming Soon...
Future Class of 2029 @ the University of Central Missouri
Personal Achievements (just some of them)
Actively building the best fanbase in the world!
Inspired many people to start YouTube channels!
Occasional Google Local Guide (they even sent me a little shirt pin!)
Former Cub Scouts member (I kinda miss those days)
Former First Lego League (FLL) team member
I was awarded the "Programming Prodigy" award! (03/27/2018)
I once hit the jackpot on an arcade game and won a huge Bluetooth speaker!
Met a few celebrities, including Wyatt Flores - a big inspiration of mine
More to come!
What am I into, you ask?
I listen to a LOT of music.
Find out what I've been listening to recently at!
Check out my playlists at!
I also play quite a few video games.
Check out my Steam profile at!
A lot goes on in my life.
Find the latest pictures from my life at!
More about me!
My sister and I had our own four-wheelers at our dad's house, which we rode frequently and still do to this day!
My sister and I frequently went camping with our dad, whether to a regular campground, state park, or to the Missouri State Fair every year!
I was a goofy child.
My sister and I had our own four-wheelers at our dad's house, which we rode frequently and still do to this day!
I've always been in love with electronics.
Growing up, I would always be using my sister's iPad until I finally got my own. I grew up playing around with everything I could on the iPad, as well as watching YouTubers like PopularMMOs and jacksepticeye, both of whom were my main inspirations. One Christmas, my dad got me my very own laptop, and it's all history from there. I self-taught myself everything I now know about how to work with UIs, configuring things, gaming, recording & uploading videos, the list goes on-and-on. In 2016, I actually began recording mockup gameplay videos using the unregistered version of Bandicam. I hadn't created my channel yet though, so these videos were solely just for fun. I still have all of these videos backed up, but they're far too cringy and bad to release...
I've had a lot of fortunate experiences growing up.
My family (both my mom and my dad) is very into traveling, so I've had the opportunity to go to many amazing places like Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY; Las Vegas, NV; Honolulu, HI; Washington, D.C.; London, England; Paris, France; Rome, Italy; Niagara Falls, NY & Canada; many Caribbean islands like the Bahamas, USVI, BVI, Dominican Republic, Sint Maarten, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao; and more. I documented many of the more recent trips on FindPenguins, which you can view here. I am forever thankful for these wonderful experiences with my family.
Thank you, iFLY Kansas City!
A photo in front of Rome, Italy's beautiful Trevi Fountain!
Thank you, iFLY Kansas City!
When days are busy at my local Hunt Brothers location, they're REALLY busy.
No clue what I was doing on that phone, but I didn't look happy.
Caught in the FaceTime photo!
When days are busy at my local Hunt Brothers location, they're REALLY busy.
Things have been challenging, though.
As is true of anybody, I've had my fair share of life challenges: Twice divorced parents, life in a small town where I don't fit in, being targeted because I don't play sports at school, an ex-girlfriend that ended in, let's just say, a mess. And that's just the beginning. There's always so much I want to do but not enough time in a day; I tend to trade sleep for more time to work on projects (I'm actually writing this at 5 AM). Above that, there are many scenarios where my work on projects was disregarded because I was "too young". Though, assuming I can make it through my senior year of high school, outlook is shining bright at the University of Central Missouri (my future college).
I'm beyond thankful for all of my friends.
Through lows, hardships, outbursts, and just dull moments, my closest friends have been there. My true closest friend is my mom; she has always been there for me through everything, even when I didn't deserve it (which I most certainly didn't). I love you, mom! I don't know where I would be without her and everyone else that helped to build me as a person. I owe so much to them and I'm forever thankful for everyone I've had the privilege to meet, whether from family, other friends, school, online, etc.
Alex, Carter, Grey, and myself right after Carter's high school graduation! Alex surprised him. :)
Carter and I were caught standing. I don't remember the context, but someone was driving away.
Jack, Carter, and I were tired at the lunch lounge as usual.
Alex, Carter, Grey, and myself right after Carter's high school graduation! Alex surprised him. :)
One of my favorite senior pictures right here.
I still remember this hoodie; I loved wearing it. I grew out of it a while ago.
Suited up and ready to go to Prom 2024.
One of my favorite senior pictures right here.